Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wi-Fi Internet Saftey Tips

Today, as the more and more people get connected to the internet, the public places offer the internet thru free Wi-Fi facilities to all people stop by. This is good news for most people, but remembers that the facility is in public domain. It means, the bad people could harm
you and your activities on the internet. Just because most wireless routers have a firewall to protect you from the internet doesn’t mean you’re protected from others connected to the same network. Lots of wireless hotspots these days are completely unencrypted, usually so
they’re easier to connect to. “When people are at the Airport often they will take the time while waiting for the flight schedule, with WiFi access using a laptop though just to see and reply to multiple e-mail. What is not known to WiFi is a security risk of data especially related to data traffic that occur when starting Access.
Login credentials and the traffic that occurs within the network-sniffing going to happen even before an e-mail sent over a Wi-Fi hotspots, so it is generally the mode of data theft in the network, without being detected, “explained Cameron Camp, malware researcher ESET.
One thing that really look out for is when there is a hotspot network with an unknown name or a name similar to the official network. Increase vigilance when in the hotspot network is not secure, especially the access that doesn’t require a password. Problems can occur from the proxy connection, which could intrudes WiFi communication, capture, copy and store copies of data on computer players who are in the local network and then sends it via a real Wi-Fi. Symptoms of the scam could be felt from the very slow data transferred which doesn’t realize by users that think that a normal situation because they use public WiFi. Associated with the level of security in public spaces that provide wireless access, Yudhi Kukuh, Technical Director of PT. Prosperita-ESET Indonesia adds, “When you make purchases online, or conduct financial transactions, make sure the web address begins with” https “instead of” http “means that data traffic that uses the web address will be encrypted. So it needs to be underlined that the ease of not serve as the primary reference when in public areas with hotspots – always use the mode of early warning and notice of any warning given.
Some of the threat that threatens the use of Wi-Fi connection:
• Evil twin login interception: a network set up by hackers to masquerade as the Wi-Fi hot spots is official.
• 0-day OS / app attack attempts: threat attacks through exploits that are not known.
• Sniffing: intercept attempts to achieve both software and hardware and computer to log traffic in a network.
• Data leakage (man-in-the-middle attack): Actors of cybercrime can modify network traffic and make the user unaware as if he was conducting transactions with banks, when in fact the data sent by the user sent to computer crimes The ”
ESET Smart Security 5 would be the latest version of ESET Antivirus provides the features that will be useful to secure data connection and the user when performing a WiFi connection. One of them is the warning given to alert the user whenever the user is connected with WiFi in public places, and then provide protection. Antivirus products that once a new generation of products ESET categorize WiFi connection at the maximum security level.
Here are few tips to use public WiFi securely:
Use a personal Firewall
You may never know how secure or protected a public WiFi network is.
Hence it is best to have your personal Firewall which will prevent malicious content from infecting your laptop.
Secure yourself with VPN
Most offices offer VPN (Virtual Private Network) for accessing their data. This is specially used by employees who have to access official data from outside the office. VPN provides secure access to official information.
Disable Wi-Fi Ad-hoc Mode
You should only allow access point networks that you have created using your Wi-Fi software or you can use network connections in Windows XP. Don’t allow instant network connections that you have not approved of or are aware of. When in a hot spot you may pick up other
Wi-Fi networks that you do not want to access or allow access to your laptop. Disable ad-hoc mode before entering a hot spot.
Avoid doing financial transactions
While many of the bank websites are SSL protected, it is advisable not to do any bank related transactions in a public hotspot. You are at risk of exposing your login credentials to eavesdroppers.
Don’t Show Off Your Wi-Fi
When mobile users are in public areas such as a hot spot, it is not the time to brag to strangers about your Wi-Fi capabilities. Always be discreet when working and don’t let others view your work. You could end up making yourself and your mobile gear a target for theft.
Do not share files and folders
If you are a frequent public hotspot user, it is best you do not share any files or folders on your laptop. In case it is essential to share folders, then protect them with a password.
Folders should be private
Making your folders private on your laptop will make it less appealing for a hacker to try and gain access to your documents. In a hot spot you don’t know who is working around you or who might be attempting to access your laptop.
Potect your Files with password
Another step to securing your data and making your work a less desirable target is to password protect specific files. There are a variety of software programs available which can provide you with password protection and the added peace of mind that it will bring.
Remember to password protect any important files before using a hot spot.


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